Thursday, December 16, 2010

Out on a school night

I'm not a gal who goes out on school nights often. Let's face it. I'm almost 40. Those days have mostly passed me by.
But, I broke from my usual mantra (you must be in bed by 11. you must be in bed by 11) and ventured out after work last night for a show in Charlotte. I checked out the Saving Able and Hinder concert.
At times it was obvious to me why I don't go to such events anymore. I felt like an old woman amongst teens and 20-somethings. But then I'd see a gray-haired man or a wrinkled woman and feel a little less like a hag.
So the show was good, though really crowded.
Then came the morning. I woke up on this icy morn, fatigued and with a slight headache. I wanted nothing more than to snuggle up in the blankets and hide until at least 11 a.m. But alas, I am an adult and do not have such luxuries. (Perhaps one day I'll hit on a lottery ticket and this will change.)
The ride in wasn't really treacherous from the rain and ice, but there's certainly a motivation issue this morning. I've finished off one story and conducted a phone interview but with a sluggishness I could avoid in my younger years.
If this is the feeling post-40, what will life be like in the next decade? Should I invest in a heating blanket and more movie channels since I clearly don't belong out on a school night?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Blogging, or the lack thereof

I haven't been the best blogger I can be.
You'd think, being a writer and all, that I could discipline myself to write regularly. Well, you'd think wrong. I can do the work when it's, you know, work. But writing for my personal life has never been my strength.
Nonetheless, I'm trying again after weeks of no blogging.
It was a pretty great weekend. I visited with friends, went to a high school football game and loafed around a bit. Part of me adores the chill of autumn with pending winter, but the other part of me despises the fact that I'm at work, it's 5:20 and already dark out. Why? Why does the time have to change?!
Since I have nothing more pressing on my mind, reasons I like my job:
* I am often surrounded by witty, smart people.
* I get to call up any old body and start asking questions and for the most part they feel compelled to answer them.
* One minute I get to write about an old person leaving the country to do mission work in retirement and the next I am sitting in a court room hearing the gruesome details of a murder.
The thing I don't like about my job:
* Having to go through public relations people instead of directly to the source. Sorry, my PR friends, but it's just true.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Oh Halloween, what joy and stress you bring.
I've been having a blast this month. There was a totally fun costume party Saturday night preceded by a whirlwind trip to the state fair.
This week I'm hosting a witchy murder mystery dinner party... and possibly attending another party and then there's the whole need to celebrate my birthday.
I'm really excited about all the gatherings. I've been able to reconnect with lots of friends, which of course is enjoyable.
I've also been really happy with the weight loss process getting back in gear. I've almost lost 40 lbs. This process does not go without effort and sometimes pain. I had a few drinks and snacks that were fantastic Saturday but have made me rather ill ever since. It's Monday afternoon!
Me and food. We're working on our relationship, but right now it's pretty strained.
Below... my favorite photo involving me taken at the party.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weight, death and runway

The past week has been a typical one. I guess.
On the weight-loss front, I am not happy. I was shedding pounds left and right and have completely stopped. I've decided I'm not following instructions and will begin doing so henceforth. Hello, food diary, I will be in touch.
I've been writing some fun stuff and sad articles lately. For example, yesterday I wrote about a teen who played with a gun and killed himself. I also wrote about a woman who stands on street corners telling people about Jesus.
Today? It's about orchids... and the death of a former police captain.
Ah journalism, I love your variety. Your monetary compensation? Eh, not so much.
On an unrelated note, I look through the Daily Edit on the Observer site just about every day. Many of the photos later serve as wallpaper on my computer. The picture below will not be saved as a backdrop on my computer, but isn't it insane for a runway show?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Road trips and time off

Mary got hitched last weekend in a very sweet, Alabama wedding.
The extended weekend road trip was a little rough given my recent surgery, but I battled through it... and it was certainly worth it.
Not only did I get to see one of my sweetest friends marry the man she loves, but I got to spend time with some friends I haven't seen much in the past year. Good times.
Unfortunately, I actually thought I injured myself for a little while. Apparently this can happen when dancing to Shout followed by Girls Just Want to Have Fun. I was having just a little too much fun, I guess.
Now I'm back to work after 2 1/2 weeks off. Fun Fact: I have not been off of work for more than a week in 17 years!
So even though I had surgery during that time off, it was still glorious to have some leisurely days of laundry, lunching and watching Dexter.
This month is off the charts busy. I'm headed to Wilmington this weekend and the State Fair next week. Parties abound! October is great!
P.S. I've lost 32 lbs. Some clothes I had grown out of are now fitting and it's fabulous!!
This would be some of the aforementioned dancing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A little trouble, a lot of Dexter

Life at home on rainy days when you're less than a week out from surgery isn't very exciting.
And I was really shocked at how well my recovery was going until the last couple of days. I keep wanting to get a move on like I didn't just have my stomach rerouted.
So yeah. Last night was kind of rough.
This morning the mailman brought me a gift to cheer me up - the next dvd of Dexter season 3. In between naps, trips to the bathroom, rounds of protein shakes and bottles of water, I watched the entire dvd.
Dexter used to really freak me out. I couldn't handle the first complete season, but I'm totally digging it now. I love the complexity of the characters, the forensics and the dark humor.
Thanks, mailman, and thanks Dexter creative team. You were a highlight in my day.
Oh! And thanks to my girls for dropping by to pep me up. I had two visitors yesterday and a brief one today. All came with gifts. Great love to friendship! (and to Allyson, Jessica and Sarah)

Monday, September 27, 2010

The first post!

I've been home from the hospital for a few days now. It's odd. Feels similar to when I would stay home sick as a young teen. This happened often. For some reason I got tonsillitis a lot as a kid.
You hang around the house in a weird haze... you're glad to have time off from responsibilities but it's boring as hell and everyone else is going through their daily routines.
It really felt like I was 13 again today when I stumbled on The Breakfast Club. I remember once watching that movie about five times while being laid up at home. The movie certainly doesn't give me the perspective it once did, but Judd Nelson is still hot and Molly Ringwald is still a stunning redhead with fluffy lips and pale skin. (And by still I mean as they appear in the movie, of course)
I'll continue my return to childhood today, I guess, by going to the movies with my folks. It's a rainy, cold day so why not go to a movie, right?
Recovery from surgery is going well. Nothing seems to have gone wrong, but I'll know more when I see my surgeon Thursday. I've lost 20 lbs in three weeks which is insanity, but an extreme liquid diet will have that result.
Which brings me to food/restaurant commercials. F you all!