Monday, September 27, 2010

The first post!

I've been home from the hospital for a few days now. It's odd. Feels similar to when I would stay home sick as a young teen. This happened often. For some reason I got tonsillitis a lot as a kid.
You hang around the house in a weird haze... you're glad to have time off from responsibilities but it's boring as hell and everyone else is going through their daily routines.
It really felt like I was 13 again today when I stumbled on The Breakfast Club. I remember once watching that movie about five times while being laid up at home. The movie certainly doesn't give me the perspective it once did, but Judd Nelson is still hot and Molly Ringwald is still a stunning redhead with fluffy lips and pale skin. (And by still I mean as they appear in the movie, of course)
I'll continue my return to childhood today, I guess, by going to the movies with my folks. It's a rainy, cold day so why not go to a movie, right?
Recovery from surgery is going well. Nothing seems to have gone wrong, but I'll know more when I see my surgeon Thursday. I've lost 20 lbs in three weeks which is insanity, but an extreme liquid diet will have that result.
Which brings me to food/restaurant commercials. F you all!

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